Cross-section of the panel

Connection detail

IzoRoof EPS

  • Joint tightness
    – Joining panels with overlapping on upper claddings together with capillary chamber hidden in panel lock for protection against capillary action
    – Bottom panel lock of “flap and inlet” type
  • Energy efficiency and safety
    – Core made of high-quality self-extinguishing polystyrene foam (EPS)
    – Finishing of upper cladding includes trapezoidal profile which significantly impacts panel carrying capacity.
    – Reaction to fire BROOF(t1).
  • Aesthetic design
    – Large cladding bend radius ensuring durability of protective coatings
    – Wide range of colours.

Sandwich panel as a modern product with various cores and of various thickness combined with specialized polyester protective coating  FarmCoat has been designed in particular for use on roofs and walls of livestock facilities (e.g. pig, hen, cow houses) and other agricultural facilities (e.g. barns, stores, mushroom farms).
Specialized FarmCoat coating providing resistance to ammonia, urine and fertilizers may extend the building life twice and thus reduce cost of its use.

Industry is one of the most important branches of the global economy. Thanks to our products we provide You with energy-efficient claddings ensuring high quality, while being a reliable, long-lasting construction material. Use of proper cores in sandwich panels meets requirements of Polish and European legislation on fire safety in a facility and provides insulation of a facility in accordance with the highest standards. Specialized coatings make it possible to install our sandwich panels in any weather conditions, while meeting requirements of all corrosion classes. Construction and shape of panel lock ensure easy and fast installation what provides for time savings and possibility of dynamic construction.

Sandwich panel as a modern solution for cold rooms, can be used on external, internal walls and also as suspended ceilings. Cold room sandwich panels can be used in temperatures as low as -40oC.
Shape of labyrinth core joint of our design provides perfect thermal insulating power, eliminating negative effect of thermal bridge. Wide range of thickness of cold store sandwich panels ensures meeting of requirements for thermal barriers and generates real savings resulting from no heat losses. Sandwich panel is suitable for use both in industry and agriculture what is confirmed by numerous certificates and approvals.


With the variety of profile types of Izopanel sandwich panel claddings and a wide selection of paint coats in various colours, our products give a unique character to any building.
NOTE! in BP profile (no profiling), slight corrugation of the surface is possible; the permissible deviation from the flatness is specified in PN-EN 14509:2013.

No profiling

Colour schemes

Group I – very light colours

Group II light colours


Group III – dark colours


The above colours are for reference only. Izopanel reserves the right to allow differences in colour between presented and actual colours. Widths for maximum lengths for given colour groups are specified in Izopanel Technical Catalogue. Please contact Customer Service for availability.

Table of properties

Mechanical properties
thickness 60* 75* 80 100* 120 125* 140 150* 160 175 200* 250*
modular width [mm] 1080
total width [mm] 1154
length [mm] 2000 – 15000**
weight 0,5/0,4 [kg/m2] 8,8 9,0 9,1 9,4 9,7 9,7 10 10,2 10,3 10,5 10,9 11,7
weight 0,5/0,5 [kg/m2] 9,7 9,9 10,0 10,3 10,6 10,7 10,9 11,0 11,2 11,4 11,8 12,5
Insulating power
U [W/m2K] 0,60 0,49 0,47 0,38 0,32 0,30 0,28 0,26 0,24 0,22 0,19 0,16
Burning behaviour
reaction to fire
odporność dachu na ogień zew. BROOF (t1)
Acoustic properties
acoustic resistance coefficient:
Rw [dB] NPD
RA1 [dB] NPD
RA2 [dB] NPD
acoustic absorption coefficient αw
Air permeability ≤ 1,5 m3/h*m2 at pressure difference 50 Pa
Blowing rain resistance A class - absolute leakproofness at 1200 Pa

*AT-15-5340/2014 dotyczy płyt warstwowych o grubości płyt: 60, 75, 100, 125, 150, 200, 250 [mm]
** maximum length depending on the panel colour

Izopanel sp. z o.o. 2022. All rights reserved.
Izopanel Sp. z o.o. UE