Cross-section of the panel

IzoGold MWF L/C

Suitable for building external and internal walls of industrial buildings.Vertical or horizontal installation.


With the variety of profile types of Izopanel sandwich panel claddings and a wide selection of paint coats in various colours, our products give a unique character to any building.
NOTE! in BP profile (no profiling), slight corrugation of the surface is possible; the permissible deviation from the flatness is specified in PN-EN 14509:2013.

No profiling

Colour schemes

Group I – very light colours

Group II light colours


Group III – dark colours


The above colours are for reference only. Izopanel reserves the right to allow differences in colour between presented and actual colours. Widths for maximum lengths for given colour groups are specified in Izopanel Technical Catalogue. Please contact Customer Service for availability.

Product documents

Table of properties


Mechanical properties
thickness 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
modular width [mm] 1150 or 1080* or 1000*
total width [mm] modular width +18 mm
length [mm] 2000 – 16000**
weight 0,5/0,4 [kg/m2] 9,0 9,8 10,6 11,4 12,2 13,0 13,8 14,6 15,4
weight 0,5/0,5 [kg/m2] 9,8 10,6 11,4 12,2 13,0 13,8 14,6 15,4 16,2
Insulating power
U PIR-N/PIR-F [W/m2K] 0,57 0,37 0,27 0,22 0,18 0,16 0,14 0,12 0,11
Burning behaviour
fire resistance PIR-F EI 15*** EI 15 EI 30 EI 30 EI 30 EI 30 EI 30 EI 30
fire resistance PIR-N EI 15 Ei 15 EI 15 Ei 15 EI 15 EI 15 EI 15
reaction to fire PIR-F B-s2, d0 B-s1, d0
reaction to fire PIR-N B-s2, d0
fire propagation NRO
Acoustic properties
acoustic resistance coefficient:
Rw [dB] 25
RA1 [dB] 23
RA2 [dB] 20
acoustic absorption coefficient αw 0,15
Air permeability : pressure n = 0,8388, C = 0,0116
Air permeability : suction n = 1,1072, C = 0,0074
Blowing rain resistance A class - absolute leakproofness at 1200 Pa

* modular width available on an individual order
** maximum length depending on the panel colour
***classification valid if using a heat resistant sealing

Izopanel sp. z o.o. 2022. All rights reserved.
Izopanel Sp. z o.o. UE